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Śāntibhadra(b. ca. 11th century - )

Bu ston’s History (Obermiller, The History of Buddhism, 217, 218; and Szerb, Bu Ston's History, 94, 95) lists Śāntibhadra as an Indian teacher of Gö Khukpa Lhatsé and Marpa Lotsawa. See also Cyrus Stearns, Luminous Lives: The Story of the Early Masters of the Lam ’bras Tradition in Tibet (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001), 85, 206-207, 210-211, where his aliases are given as Badantabarma, Bharohamtung, Chiterwa, Hangdu Karpo, Mahākarunika, Chiterwa, and Tsaham Pandita Zhiwa Zangpo. Śāntibhadra was a disciple of Nāropa and the Tibetan translator ’Brog mi studied under him in Nepal. (Source Accessed Aug 20, 2020. See note 47)

Library Items

Other names

  • Badantabarma · other names
  • Bharohamtung · other names
  • Chiterwa · other names
  • Hangdu Karpo · other names
  • Mahākarunika · other names
  • Chiterwa · other names
  • Tsaham Pandita Zhiwa Zangpo (zhi ba bzang po) · other names

Affiliations & relations

  • Nāropa · teacher
  • 'gos khug pa lhas btsas · student
  • mar pa chos kyi blo gros · student
  • 'brog mi lo tsA ba · student