
From Buddha-Nature
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Sanskrit Noun


enlightened qualities

Basic Meaning

The qualities or attributes of an enlightened being.

On this topic
Term Variations
Key Term guṇa
Topic Variation enlightened qualities
Tibetan ཡོན་ཏན་  ( yönten)
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration yon tan  ( yönten)
Devanagari Sanskrit गुण
Chinese 功德
Chinese Pinyin gōng dé
Japanese Transliteration kudoku
Korean Transliteration kongdok
Buddha-nature Site Standard English enlightened qualities
Richard Barron's English Term enlightened/ positive quality/ property
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term good qualities
Gyurme Dorje's English Term enlightened attribute, buddha attribute
Term Information
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning The qualities or attributes of an enlightened being.
Term Type Noun
Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism See page 336: In Sanskrit and Päli, lit. “string,” or “strand,” by extension a “quality” or “spiritual virtue.”
Tshig mdzod Chen mo 1) rig gnas shes pa'i khyad chos/ ... yon tan khyad par can/ ... yon tan gyi nus pa/ ... yon tan slob pa/ ... yon tan sbyong ba/ ... yon tan la mnga' brnyes pa/ ... dran rgya che yang yon tan chung ba/ ... yon tan yod kyang med mdog byed pa/ ... yon tan yod pas ma spyad na/ zhing la so nam ma byas 'dra/ ... 2) (mngon) rdul dang/ mun pa/ snying stobs kyi yon tan gsum yod pas grangs gsum mtshon/ ...