Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within Program by Twelfth Tai Situ Pema Dönyö Nyinje
Meditations that form the core part of each level are divided into two sections: Shamatha (calm abiding) and Vipashyana (advanced insight).
The main masters who will teach the Discovering the Buddha Within curriculum are His Eminence Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and other masters including His Eminence Gyalton Rinpoche and senior khenpos of Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat.
This program is open to everyone, long term Buddhist as well as non-Buddhists willing to learn the foundation of meditation and Buddhist' universal wisdom.
《開啟內在之佛》 是一個體驗式的佛法學習課程,是作為上師金剛持尊勝的第十二世慈尊廣定大司徒巴的宏大願景之一而設置。課程目的是以簡明易懂而又全面綜合的方式來講解佛陀教法的精要。課程為期三年,依於佛陀三轉法輪的教法,而後依據四部密續之神聖傳承,其對應於開啟心與現象究竟本性的三次第。每個次第,導師將依聲聞乘、大乘和金剛乘來講解該主題的見(智識上的領悟)、修(體驗式的領悟)和行(以此領悟來改變其日常習慣)。
禪修將作為每個次第的核心,其可以分為兩個部分:奢摩他(寂止)與 毗婆舍那(勝觀)。
《開啟內在之佛》 課程的教授師主要有尊貴的詠給明就仁波切、尊貴的賈敦仁波切及八蚌智慧林的資深堪布等。(Source Accessed June 8, 2023)About the video
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Creator | Palpung Audio and Visual Archive (PAVA) |
Producer | Palpung Audio and Visual Archive (PAVA) |
Includes Subtitles | Yes |
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Creation Date | 3 June 2023 |
Citation | Tai Situpa, 12th. "Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within Program." Produced by the Palpung Audio and Visual Archive (PAVA), June 3, 2023. Video, 8:52. |