On Buddha-Nature as a Topic of Debate by Tokpa Tenpa

From Buddha-Nature

On Buddha-Nature as a Topic of Debate by Tokpa Tenpa - 2 of 5
Continuing his discussion of the curriculum at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, Tokpa Tulku explains that buddha-nature can be a part of debate. However, it is a much more difficult topic than attempting to debate the topic of emptiness. The difficulty lies in the fact that buddha-nature is beyond one's experience.
Featuring Tokpa Tulku
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event Tokpa Tulku Interview on Buddha-Nature (22 April 2019, Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Creation Date 22 April 2019
Citation Tokpa Tulku. “On Buddha-Nature as a Topic of Debate.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, April 22, 2019. Video, 2:32. https://youtu.be/nio3b9t9PMY.