On Their Own Position on the Critical Buddhism Debate by Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson

From Buddha-Nature

On Their Own Position on the Critical Buddhism Debate by Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson - 5 of 8
Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson discuss their own personal relationship to the material in their book Pruning the Bodhi Tree and Critical Buddhism.
Featuring Jamie Hubbard, Paul Swanson
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event Interview with Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson (, Denver, CO)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Citation Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul Swanson. "On Their Own Position on the Critical Buddhism Debate." Interview by Marcus Perman, Alex Gardner, and José Cabezón. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 2018. Video, 5:31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBf4xyzdwSQ.