On Various Texts That Teach about Buddha-Nature by Ringu Tulku

From Buddha-Nature

On Various Texts That Teach about Buddha-Nature by Ringu Tulku - 5 of 10
Ringu Tulku discusses the various texts that teach about buddha-nature beyond the Uttaratantraśāstra. He points to Nāgārjuna's praises, sūtras that are considered to be part of the third turning of the wheel of Dharma, Gampopa's Jewel Ornament of Liberation, Tāranātha's Jonang teachings, and works by Śākya Chokden, Longchenpa, and Mipam Rinpoche.
Featuring Ringu Tulku
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event Ringu Tulku Interview on Buddha-Nature (10 October 2019, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Creation Date 10 October 2019
Citation Ringu Tulku. “On Various Texts That Teach about Buddha-Nature.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Produced by Tsadra Foundation Research Department, October 10, 2019. Video, 5:24. https://youtu.be/jjrS-TWoHJ8.