On the Future of Buddha-Nature Studies by Karl Brunnhölzl

From Buddha-Nature

On the Future of Buddha-Nature Studies by Karl Brunnhölzl - 11 of 13
Karl Brunnhölzl lays out the areas that are yet to be explored within buddha-nature studies. Among the areas he suggests are ripe for exploration are Longchenpa's writings on buddha-nature, the many types of shentong views that exist, as well as the views of various Sakya authors.
Featuring Karl Brunnhölzl
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event Karl Brunnhölzl Interview on Buddha-Nature (3 December 2018, Tsadra Foundation, Boulder)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Creation Date 3 December 2018
Citation Brunnhölzl, Karl. “On the Future of Buddha-Nature Studies.” Interview by Marcus Perman. Tsadra Foundation Research Department, December 3, 2018. Video, 1:33. https://youtu.be/ex_6hi_58YY.