Uncovering the Buddha Within with Mingyur Rinpoche

From Buddha-Nature

Uncovering the Buddha Within with Mingyur Rinpoche
In this video, Mingyur Rinpoche explains that the enlightened qualities of buddhahood are already complete within us, and describes the process of learning to recognize and discover our own buddha nature and become completely free. This teaching is part of the Foundations of Tibetan Buddhism online course. Learn more at https://tergar.org/vajrayana
Featuring Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Creator Tergar Meditation Community
Producer Tergar Meditation Community
Related Website Tergar Meditation Community
Creation Date 7 November 2020
Citation Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "Uncovering the Buddha Within with Mingyur Rinpoche." Produced by Tergar Meditation Community, November 7, 2020. Video, 10:56. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqUAbakyWLs.