Ngok Tradition

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Tibetan Noun

Ngok Tradition


Basic Meaning

Ngok Lotsāwa Loden Sherab's "analytic tradition" of exegesis of the Uttaratantra; one of two major Tibetan traditions of exegesis, both stemming from students of Sajjana.

On this topic
Term Variations
Key Term Ngok Tradition
Topic Variation Analytic Tradition
Tibetan རྔོག་ལུགས་  ( ngok luk)
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration rngog lugs  ( ngok luk)
Term Information
Source Language Tibetan
Basic Meaning Ngok Lotsāwa Loden Sherab's "analytic tradition" of exegesis of the Uttaratantra; one of two major Tibetan traditions of exegesis, both stemming from students of Sajjana.
Related Terms thos bsam gyi lugs
Related Topic Pages Tsen Tradition
Term Type Noun