Bya yul ba gzhon nu 'od

From Buddha-Nature

Chayulpa Zhonnu Ö(1075 - 1138) 

Jayulwa Zhonnu Wo was a Kadam monk who established Jayul Monastery in 1138. A student of Tolungpa Rinchen Nyingpo and then Chengga Tsultrim Bar, Jayulwa is remembered as having gained enlightenment through devotional service to his masters.

... read more at The Treasury of Lives

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Affiliations & relations

  • g.yung drung bstan 'bar (Father) · familial relation
  • lcam bu (Mother) · familial relation
  • Dwags pa Bka' brgyud · religious affiliation
  • rin chen snying po · teacher
  • tshul khrims 'bar · teacher
  • ye shes rgyal mtshan · teacher
  • bsod nams rin chen · student
  • gzhon nu grags pa · student
  • rdo rje mi bskyod · student
  • bdud rtsi char chen · student
  • rin chen nam mkha' rdo rje · student