ShAkya shrI

From Buddha-Nature

Śākya Śrī(1853 - 1919) 

Śākya Śrī was an influential yogic practitioner and teacher in Kham who traveled throughout the Himalaya giving teachings in Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen. A student of some of the era's greatest lamas, including the Sixth Khamtrul, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, and Ju Mipam Gyatso, he taught hundreds of disciples including the Tenth Drukchen and Sonam Zangpo, the brother of the first king of Bhutan.

... read more at The Treasury of Lives

Other names

  • རྟོགས་ལྡན་ཤཱཀྱ་ཤྲཱི་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • གྲུབ་དབང་ཤཱཀྱ་ཤྲཱི་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • rtogs ldan shAkya shrI · other names (Wylie)
  • grub dbang shAkya shrI · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • Father – Naru Donden (sna ru don den, d.u.) · familial relation
  • Mother – Nyamtso Dron (nyam tsho sdron, d.u.) · familial relation
  • Son – Ngawang Choying (ngag dbang chos dbyings, d.u.) · familial relation
  • Son – Pakchok Dorje ('phags mchog rdo rje, 1893-1943) · familial relation
  • Nyingma · religious affiliation
  • 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po · teacher
  • 'jam mgon kong sprul · teacher
  • Mi pham rgya mtsho · teacher
  • Tshogs gnyis pad+ma dri med 'od zer · teacher
  • 'phags mchog rdo rje · student
  • kun lha bstan 'dzin · student
  • bsod nams rgyal mtshan · student
  • Bla ma bsod nams bzang po · student
  • smon lam rab bzang · student
  • Ngag dbang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho · student
  • Lhalungpa, Lobsang · student