Shamarpa, 14th

From Buddha-Nature

14th Shamarpa Mipham Chökyi Lodrö(1952 - 2014) 

The 14th Shamarpa, Mipham Chokyi Lodro, passed away aged 61 on 11th June 2014.

February 15, 2020: Karmapas Work Together to Identify Reincarnated Lama:
Tricycle Magazine Reports

Mipham Chökyi Lodrö was born in Derge, Tibet. At the age of four he was recognized by the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpei Dorje as the 14th Shamarpa reincarnation. Upon the Karmapa's request the Tibetan Government withdrew its one hundred and fifty nine year old ban of the Shamarpas.

Shamar Rimpoche remained with the 16th Karmapa until his death in 1981. He received the entire cycle of Kagyu teachings from the 16th Karmapa. Since the 16th Karmapa’s death in 1981, Shamar Rimpoche has devoted his efforts to the many projects initiated by the late 16th Karmapa. He has completed the reprinting of the “Tengyur” a body of two hundred and fourteen volumes in which prominent Indian and Tibetan masters elucidate the teachings given by the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Shamar Rimpoche also supports and offers guidance to Rumtek Monastery, the seat of H. H. the sixteenth Karmapa. He co-founded and brought into being the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, New Delhi, India. The Institute currently offers courses in Buddhist studies for both monastic and lay students.
(Source Accessed Dec 19, 2019)

The Shamarpa and the Karmapa are spiritually inseparable, and are fellow holders of the 900 year old Karma Kagyu lineage, a tradition that precedes the Dalai Lama’s lineage by over 200 years. (Source Accessed May 2, 2020)

Library Items

Other names

  • བསྟན་འཛིན་གྲགས་པ་བཤད་སྒྲུབ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • bstan 'dzin grags pa bshad sgrub · other names (Wylie)
  • Notes on names: BDRC catalogs him as the 13th Shamarpa.

Affiliations & relations

  • Nephew of the 16th Karmapa rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje. · familial relation
  • Karma Kagyu · religious affiliation
  • Shamarpa · religious affiliation
  • Karmapa, 16th · teacher
  • · websites