Shong ston rdo rje rgyal mtshan

From Buddha-Nature

Shongton Dorje Gyaltsen(early 13th century - late 13th century) 

Shongton Lotsāwa Dorje Gyeltsen was a prominent translator who translated the complete Tibetan poetry system from Sanskrit as well as around a dozen titles found in the Tengyur.

... read more at The Treasury of Lives

Library Items

Other names

  • shong ston lo tsA ba rdo rje rgyal mtshan · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • Sakya · religious affiliation
  • mdo sde rgyal mtshan · teacher
  • Pakpa Lodro Gyeltsen · teacher
  • srag bde ba · teacher
  • sa dbang bzang po · teacher
  • laksmI ka ra · teacher
  • shes rab seng ge · teacher
  • seng ge rgyal mtshan · teacher
  • Buton Rinchen Drub · student
  • blo gros brtan pa · student
  • Lotsāwa Chokden Lekpai Lodro · student
  • 'jam dbyangs ston gzhon · student