Zhang mdo sde dpal

From Buddha-Nature

Zhang mdo sde dpal(b. 13th century - )

Teacher of the sa skya tradition in the transmission of the Pramanasamuccaya. Also known to have been one of Pakpa Lodro Gyaltsen's disciples ('Phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1235–1280). (Source Accessed Aug 24, 2020)

Library Items

Other names

  • Mdo sde dpal · other names (Wylie)
  • Zhang ston Mdo sde dpal · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • blo gros rgyal mtshan · teacher
  • rig pa'i seng ge · teacher
  • sangs rgyas kun smon · teacher
  • kun dga' dpal · student
  • 'jam dbyangs ston gzhon · student
  • nam mkha' dpal · student
  • grags pa rgyal mtshan · student
  • 'jam dbyangs skya bo · student
  • don yod rgyal mtshan · student