Zhang ston bsod nams grags pa

From Buddha-Nature

Zhangtön Sönam Drakpa(1292 - 1370)

Zhangton Gyawo, who was one of Dolpopa’s fourteen major disciples, studied widely in different traditions as a young man. Then he spent almost thirty years with Dolpopa, receiving all the great master’s teachings. For the last fifteen years of his life Zhangton taught the massive Vimalaprabhā commentary on the Kālacakra Tantra every year.

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Other names

  • ཞང་སྟོན་རྒྱ་བོ་བསོད་ནམས་གྲགས་པ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • ཞང་སྟོན་བྱང་སེམས་བསོད་ནམས་གྲགས་པ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • zhang ston rgya bo bsod nams grags pa · other names (Wylie)
  • zhang ston byang sems bsod nams grags pa · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • Jonang · religious affiliation