Smin gling lo chen d+harma shrI

From Buddha-Nature

Minling Lochen Dharmaśrī(1654 - 1718) 
Lochen Dharmashri (Tib. ལོ་ཆེན་དྷརྨ་ཤྲཱི་, Wyl. lo chen d+harma shrI) aka Ngawang Chöpal Gyatso (Tib. ངག་དབང་ཆོས་དཔལ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་, Wyl. ngag dbang chos dpal rgya mtsho) (1654-1717) — one of the greatest scholars of the Nyingma school, whose collected writings fill twenty volumes and include important commentaries on the Guhyagarbha Tantra. He was an emanation of Yudra Nyingpo and the younger brother of Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje, the founder of Mindroling Monastery. He was tragically killed during the Dzungar war of 1717-8, during which Mindroling was destroyed. Source Accessed Feb 25, 2020

Library Items

Other names

  • སྨིན་གླིང་མཁན་ཆེན་གཉིས་པ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • ངག་དབང་ཆོས་དཔལ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • smin gling mkhan chen gnyis pa · other names (Wylie)
  • ngag dbang chos dpal rgya mtsho · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • Nyingma · religious affiliation
  • G.yu sgra snying po · emanation of
  • Phrin las lhun grub · teacher
  • Gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje · teacher
  • Pad+ma phrin las · teacher
  • Ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho · teacher
  • Rin chen rnam rgyal · student
  • Mi 'gyur dpal sgron · student
  • Khams pa ngag dbang kun dga' bstan 'dzin · student