Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i nges don gsal bar byed pa rin po che'i sgron ma

From Buddha-Nature

dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i nges don gsal bar byed pa rin po che'i sgron ma
The Jewel Lamp Illuminating the Definitive Meaning of the Glorious Kālacakra

In the Jewel Lamp Illuminating the Definitive Meaning of the Glorious Kālacakra, Rendawa Zhönu Lodrö presents the content of Kālacakra tantra using the scheme of the causal continuum or the ground nature, the method continuum or the path, and the resultant continuum or the all pervading adamantine body of the Buddha. Though not a polemical work, he repeatedly refutes the position holding buddha-nature and resultant Buddha body to be identical, absolute and eternal. He provides a very clear and comprehensive presentation of the causal continuum through conventional and ultimate types of the ground nature, the method or path continuum by discussing the six limbs of yogic applications in Kālacakra, and the resultant state by discussing its nature, cause, duration, forms and qualities.

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