Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa nges don gsal bar byed pa'i 'od zer

From Buddha-Nature

theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa nges don gsal bar byed pa'i 'od zer
Illuminating the Definitive Meaning of the Uttaratantra

This work presents a late (14th century) Kadampa view on the Ratnagotravibhāga and the associated buddha-nature teachings by an influential representative of this tradition, often referred to as "the second Asaṅga" (thogs med gnyis pa).

Relevance to Buddha-nature

This work presents a late (14th century) Kadampa view on the Ratnagotravibhāga and the associated buddha-nature teachings by an influential representative of this tradition, often referred to as the second Asaṅga (thogs med gnyis pa).

Philosophical positions of this text

Text Metadata

Other Titles ~ rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa nges don gsal bar byed pa'i 'od zer
Text exists in ~ Tibetan
Literary Genre ~ Commentaries - 'grel pa
Commentary of ~ RKTST 3363