Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i rnam bshad don dam rnam nges bsdus pa'i snying po'i snying po

From Buddha-Nature

theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i rnam bshad don dam rnam nges bsdus pa'i snying po'i snying po
Quintessential Essence of the Condensed Ultimate Definitive Meaning: An Explanation of the Mahāyāna Uttaratantra

In his commentary [Gendun Özer] mentions that he composed it for his students who had requested that he write something that would differ from the "coarse explanation" (bshad nyog rtsing po) of the Uttaratantra offered by the "early commentators" (snga rabs pa) of the Kadam tradition. While Gendün Özer does not intend to succumb to a "coarse explanation" of the Indian treatise, he follows his early Kadam predecessors' exposition in terms of doctrinal position, even though his literary style is different, with numerous poetic verses of admiration. In this time period it is not surprising that he wrote the commentary primarily in consultation with Ngok's Tibetan translation (rngog 'gyur) of the Uttaratantra, but the author also used the translations made by Naktso and Patsap wherever necessary.

(Source: Tsering Wangchuk. The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows, 59.)

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Text Metadata

Text exists in ~ Tibetan
Literary Genre ~ Commentaries - 'grel pa
Commentary of ~ RKTST 3363