
From Buddha-Nature
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“Womb”, “embryo”, “essence”, or “heart” (garbha) of the Thus Gone (tathāgata)
“Womb”, “embryo”, “essence”, or “heart” (garbha) of the Thus Gone (tathāgata)
|Glossary-Other-Defs=Enlightened essence (Rangjung Yeshe)
Womb of the tathagatas
“Containing the tathagatas”
“Womb”, “embryo”, “essence”, or “heart” (garbha) of the Thus Gone (tathāgata)<br>
[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''|Read more about Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha'']] by Karl Brunnhölzl.
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Explanations_of_Tath.C4.81gatagarbha_in_Indian_Texts|Explanations of Tathāgatagarbha in Indian Texts]]
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Tath.C4.81gatagarbha_as_the_Emptiness_That_Is_a_Nonimplicative_Negation|Tathāgatagarbha as the Emptiness That Is a Nonimplicative Negation]]
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Tath.C4.81gatagarbha_as_Mind.E2.80.99s_Luminous_Nature|Tathāgatagarbha as Mind’s Luminous Nature]]
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Tath.C4.81gatagarbha_as_the_.C4.80laya-Consciousness|Tathāgatagarbha as the Ālaya-Consciousness]]
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Tath.C4.81gatagarbha_as_a_Sentient_Being|Tathāgatagarbha as a Sentient Being]]
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Tath.C4.81gatagarbha_as_the_Dharmak.C4.81ya.2C_Suchness.2C_the_Disposition.2C_and_Nonconceptuality|Tathāgatagarbha as the Dharmakāya, Suchness, the Disposition, and Nonconceptuality]]
::[[Books/When the Clouds Part/Different Ways of Explaining the Meaning of ''Tathāgatagarbha''#Tibetan_Assertions_on_Tath.C4.81gatagarbha|Tibetan Assertions on Tathāgatagarbha]]

Revision as of 13:07, 27 April 2018