Joos, S.

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Sina Joos

Sina Joos received her MA in Tibetan studies, Chinese studies, and the History of Oriental Art in 2009 from the University of Bonn, Germany. Since 2016 she has been a PhD candidate at the Department of South Asian, Tibetan, and Buddhist Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria, under the supervision of Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mathes. Her research focuses on the gzhan stong doctrine of the Jonang school, while her teachers are mainly from the bka’ brgyud school of Tibetan Buddhism. Apart from her academic studies, she participated in the Translation Training Program at Rangjung Yeshe Institute in Kathmandu and works at the Kamalashila Institute for Buddhist Studies and Meditation, interpreting for Tibetan lamas as well as translating and editing texts for the practice sessions and seminars.

Library Items

Affiliations & relations

  • University of Vienna · workplace affiliation
  • Kamalashila Institute · secondary affiliation