Karl Brunnhölzl: Online Buddha-Nature Course

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Ongoing Gyü Lama Teachings
Online Course with Master Translator Karl Brunnhölzl
April 2021

Description & Participants

Online Course with Master Translator Karl Brunnhölzl
April 2021 ·

Learn more here.

We feel very honored and happy that Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl - a wonderful teacher, translator and physician - has accepted our request to teach on the Buddha-Nature, based on the authoritative text taught by Buddha Maitreya: The Mahayana-Uttaratantra-Shastra. With his very clear, humorous and interactive style, Karl will lead us through this precious and celebrated treatise verse by verse.

Dates: The course has started 1st April 2021, but everyone is still very welcome to join. The next sessions will be 28th of April 7:30 pm (CEST, e.g. Berlin) and 6th of May 7:00 pm (CEST). The entire course might last for approximately 18 months, consisting of two sessions (plus one review session) per month. The upcoming dates will be always announced 2-3 months in advance.

Language: English only

Any Questions & Registration: Buddhismus[at]Berlin.de or www.berlin-buddhismus.de


Karl Brunnhölzl

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