Karl Brunnhölzl: On the Supposed Commentary on the Uttaratantra by Marpa Chökyi Lodrö

From Buddha-Nature

Karl Brunnhölzl: On the Supposed Commentary on the Uttaratantra by Marpa Chökyi Lodrö - 5 of 17

Sources Mentioned

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Marpa Chökyi Lodrö
1012 ~ 1097
Mar pa do pa chos kyi dbang phyug
11th Century
11th century
Rngog blo ldan shes rab
Tsen Khawoche
Featuring Karl Brunnhölzl, Karma Phuntsho
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event What Is My Mind without Me? Buddha-Nature in the Karma Kagyu School by Karl Brunnhölzl (26 February 2022, Munich and Bhutan)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Creation Date 26 February 2022
Citation Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On the Supposed Commentary on the Uttaratantra by Marpa Chökyi Lodrö. Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 4:39. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLNp5ErprLc.