Karl Brunnhölzl: On How the Buddha-Nature Teachings Were Transmitted in the Kagyu Tradition

From Buddha-Nature

Karl Brunnhölzl: On How the Buddha-Nature Teachings Were Transmitted in the Kagyu Tradition - 4 of 17

People Mentioned

Rngog blo ldan shes rab
Tsen Khawoche
11th century
Marpa Chökyi Lodrö
1012 ~ 1097
Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
1284 ~ 1339
Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye
1813 ~ 1899
Khatok Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu
1698 ~ 1755
Eighth Tai Situpa Chökyi Jungne
1699/1700 ~ 1774
1575 ~ 1634
Featuring Karl Brunnhölzl, Karma Phuntsho
Creator Tsadra Foundation
Director Perman, M.
Producer Tsadra Foundation
Event What Is My Mind without Me? Buddha-Nature in the Karma Kagyu School by Karl Brunnhölzl (26 February 2022, Munich and Bhutan)
Related Website Buddha-Nature
Creation Date 26 February 2022
Citation Brunnhölzl, Karl. "On How the Buddha-Nature Teachings Were Transmitted in the Kagyu Tradition." Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, February 26, 2022. Video, 5:04. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr8JyaBxqKw.