Khenpo Ngawang Jorden at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium

From Buddha-Nature

Khenpo Ngawang Jorden at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium - 13 of 23
Khenpo Ngawang Jorden discusses Gorampa’s interpretation of the concept of buddha-nature presented in his Supplement to the Three Vows. In particular his presentation is focused on Gorampa's refutation of the Jonang view of buddha-nature, as represented by the writings of Dolpopa and his zhentong philosophy.

Abstract from the Author

Revisiting Gorampa on Buddha Nature
I will share some of my thoughts and understanding of Go rams pa’s interpretation of the concept of buddha-nature presented in his Supplement to the Three Vows. This text was written to critique and clarify what Go rams pa saw as misrepresentations and misunderstandings of the theory of buddha-nature that were prevalent throughout Tibet in the fifteenth century. The Jo nang pa school of Tibetan Buddhism in particular was one of the major subjects of his criticism, whose assertions on buddha-nature he refuted, presenting and defending his own interpretations.

Sources Mentioned

People Mentioned

Gorampa Sönam Senge
1429 ~ 1489
Dölpopa Sherab Gyaltsen
1292 ~ 1361
Rendawa Zhönu Lodrö
ca. 2nd century
Rongtön Sheja Kunrik
1367 ~ 1449
Featuring Khenpo Ngawang Jorden
Creator University of Vienna, Tsadra Foundation
Event Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia (18 July 2019, University of Vienna, Austria)
Related Website Buddha-Nature Project
Video Web Location Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia
Creation Date 18 July 2019
Citation Jorden, Khenpo Ngawang. "Revisiting Gorampa on Buddha Nature." Paper presented at the University of Vienna Symposium, Tathāgatagarbha Across Asia, Vienna, Austria, July 2019. Video, 45:05.