Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa

From Buddha-Nature

theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa
Thoroughly Ascertaining the Great Middle Way of the Expansive Supreme Vehicle

Composition on select points considered essential for understanding the philosophical view of other-emptiness (zhentong) by the great Jonang scholar Tāranātha (1575-1635). It remains one of the most important works on zhentong in the Jonang order. Root text was composed by Tāranātha and an annotated commentary was compiled and edited by Tāranātha's disciple Yeshe Gyamtso according to oral teachings he received from Tāranātha, himself.

Relevance to Buddha-nature

Tāranātha's expansive work on Great Madhyamaka in eight chapters. The third chapter of which is devoted to an explanation of buddha-essence (sang rgyas kyi snying po) and dharmadhātu (chos kyi dbyings).

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Other Titles ~ dbu ma theg mchog
Commentaries on this text

ye shes rgya mtsho. theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa'i rnam bshad zin bris dbu phyogs legs pa. In dbu ma theg mchog. Pe cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2007: 55-402. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg

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