Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma rgyan gyi me tog

From Buddha-Nature

theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma rgyan gyi me tog
Ornamental Flowers: A Commentary on the Mahāyāna Uttaratantra

A rather brief work that, as Tsering Wangchuk states, is "the earliest extant Tibetan commentary on the Uttaratantra that cites both tantric and sutric sources to corroborate the claims made in the treatise."

Relevance to Buddha-nature

An important synoptic outline and commentary giving sūtra and tantra sources for the buddha-nature teachings, and containing clear positions of the author on buddha-nature. The author claims buddha-nature to be topic of ultimate nature, buddha-nature to be endowed the qualities of the buddha, and buddha-nature to be not defined as mere emptiness but rather awareness indivisible from dharmatā.

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Text Metadata

Other Titles ~ theg pa chen rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos rgyan gyi me tog
~ rgyud bla rgyan gyi me tog

Text exists in ~ Tibetan
Literary Genre ~ Commentary with Annotations - mchan 'grel
Commentary of ~ RKTST 3363