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|VariationTransSource=[[When the Clouds Part]], [[Brunnhölzl, K.|Brunnhölzl]], 369 <ref>[[Brunnhölzl, Karl]]. [[When the Clouds Part: The Uttaratantra and its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sūtra and Tantra]]. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, an imprint of Shambhala Publications, 2014.</ref>
|VariationTransSource=[[When the Clouds Part]], [[Brunnhölzl, K.|Brunnhölzl]], 369 <ref>[[Brunnhölzl, Karl]]. [[When the Clouds Part: The Uttaratantra and its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sūtra and Tantra]]. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, an imprint of Shambhala Publications, 2014.</ref>
|OtherTranslations=<h6>Obermiller (1931) <ref>Obermiller, E. "The Sublime Science of the Great Vehicle to Salvation Being a Manual of Buddhist Monism." Acta Orientalia IX (1931), pp. 81-306.</ref></h6>
:(The Essence of the Buddha) is like the Great Ocean
:Being the inexhaustible repository of jewels—its sublime properties;
:It is (moreover) like a light, since, by its nature
:It is endowed with properties indivisible (from it).
<h6>Takasaki (1966) <ref>Takasaki, Jikido. [[A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra): Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism]]. Serie Orientale Roma 33. Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (ISMEO), 1966.</ref></h6>
:Being the inexhaustible storage of jewels of immeasurable virtues,
:[The Germ of the Buddha is] like the Ocean;
:It is akin to the lantern, because of its nature of
:Being endowed with properties indivisible [from it].
<h6>Fuchs (2000) <ref>Fuchs, Rosemarie, trans. Buddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra. Commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul and explanations by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso. Ithaca, N. Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 2000.</ref></h6>
:Like the great sea it holds qualities
:immeasurable, precious, and inexhaustible.
:Its essence holds indivisible properties.
:Thus [the element] is similar to a lamp.

Revision as of 11:43, 15 May 2019

Ratnagotravibhāga Root Verse I.42

Verse I.42 Variations

E. H. Johnston as input by the University of the West.[1]
Just like the ocean, [the disposition of the victors] is an inexhaustible source
Of immeasurable jewels [in the form of its] qualities.
Just like a lamp, it is endowed with
Inseparable qualities by its nature.
Source inépuisable de joyaux aux qualités infinies,
[L’Élément] ressemble au Grand Océan.
On le compare aussi à une lampe car, en essence,
Il possède d’indissociables qualités.

RGVV Commentary on Verse I.42

།དེ་ལ་ལྡན་པའི་དོན་ལས་བརྩམས་ཏེ་ཚིགས་སུ་བཅད་པ། {br}རྒྱ་མཚོ་ཆེ་བཞིན་དཔག་མེད་པའི། །ཡོན་ཏན་རིན་ཆེན་མི་ཟད་གནས། །དབྱེར་མེད་ཡོན་ཏན་དང་ལྡན་པའི། །ངོ་བོ་ཉིད་ཕྱིར་མར་མེ་བཞིན།

Other English translations

Obermiller (1931) [3]
(The Essence of the Buddha) is like the Great Ocean
Being the inexhaustible repository of jewels—its sublime properties;
It is (moreover) like a light, since, by its nature
It is endowed with properties indivisible (from it).
Takasaki (1966) [4]
Being the inexhaustible storage of jewels of immeasurable virtues,
[The Germ of the Buddha is] like the Ocean;
It is akin to the lantern, because of its nature of
Being endowed with properties indivisible [from it].
Fuchs (2000) [5]
Like the great sea it holds qualities
immeasurable, precious, and inexhaustible.
Its essence holds indivisible properties.
Thus [the element] is similar to a lamp.

Textual sources

Commentaries on this verse

Academic notes

  1. Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Unicode Input
  2. Brunnhölzl, Karl. When the Clouds Part: The Uttaratantra and its Meditative Tradition as a Bridge between Sūtra and Tantra. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, an imprint of Shambhala Publications, 2014.
  3. Obermiller, E. "The Sublime Science of the Great Vehicle to Salvation Being a Manual of Buddhist Monism." Acta Orientalia IX (1931), pp. 81-306.
  4. Takasaki, Jikido. A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra): Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Serie Orientale Roma 33. Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (ISMEO), 1966.
  5. Fuchs, Rosemarie, trans. Buddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra. Commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul and explanations by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso. Ithaca, N. Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 2000.